From antiquity, cooking has developed from a mere means of survival to a modern art. On you will find a list of some of the most mind-blowing facts fromculinary schools opinion which we think you really should know; from honey staying fresh forever, to grapes exploding in the microwave. Read on to find out more below.

1. Honey never gets spoilt
Honey is quite minimal in moisture as well as very acidic in its normal condition: two major defenses from food spoilage. According to a Honey and Pollination Center study, in a low moisture and extremely acidic atmosphere like a sealed vessel, bacteria would almost instantly die. However, honey is not the only food that can last forever, as salt, sugar, and uncooked rice can all stay forever without getting spoilt as well.
2. Grapes will blow up if you put them in a microwave
When you almost halve a grape and throw it into a microwave, an exploding plasma and light fireball is produced. Scientists have explained that microwaves are working to produce heat by using microwave radiation. The grape itself functions as an antenna and forces electricity into the microwave, producing fireballs of tiny “plasma“.
3. Chili pepper produces a chemical that makes the mouth think it’s on fire
This is why spicy foods burn our mouths so much. This burning feeling is a psychological, not a physical reaction when you eat spicy peppers. Chili peppers have a compound called capsaicin, which normally binds to our nerves’ pain receptors. Your mind assumes you are consuming something hot, so you start to sweat and your face becomes red. This is the way your body attempts to cool off, but this burning feeling in our mouths is only perceived — no actual temperature risk.
4. Wi-Fi signals can be absorbed by potatoes
Boeing had placed huge piles of potatoes on seats as they decided to test his cell signal into new aircraft in 2012. Potatoes receive and reflect radio and wireless signals much as humans do, regardless of their high-water content and chemical make-up.
5. Tomatoes were once believed to be poisonous
Tomato was known as the poison apple in Europe some centuries ago, as aristocrats frequently got ill and died after consuming them. They didn’t know that the cause was from their choice of tableware and not the tomatoes. From one historical cookbook, the high acidity of the tomatoes will contribute to the leaching from the pewter plates used by wealthy nobles and cause plumes to become poisonous. The aristocrats falsely attributed the dilemma to the tomato. To worsen the bad credibility of the fruit, according to Smithsonian magazine, the tomato was mistakenly labeled as a lethal evening shade before it arrived in Europe. The growing popularity of pizza in Naples, Italy, in the 19th century steadily shifted the toxic attitude towards tomatoes.
To round up, here’s a bonus fact: you’d cut yourself less with a sharp knife than a dull one. That’s because dull knives are prone to slippage and more likely to cause injury.
These culinary facts may come in handy the next time you attend a dinner party and you want to impress your friends.