Food is one of the primary needs for living things to stay alive. The food we consume is processed by the body to be used as energy. In addition to supporting energy needs, food is also important to keep the system in our body going well.

Therefore, we are strongly encouraged to eat healthy foods, so that our bodies stay healthy.
One system in the body that is often problematic because of eating patterns and eating the wrong food is the digestive system. Bad habits when eating and consuming unhealthy foods often lead us to digestive problems, from the lightest ones such as nausea to the most severe ones such as inflammation of the intestines or even colon cancer.
Now, to avoid problems in our digestive system, we should start eating foods that are good for our digestive system. Here are 5 foods that you can consume for the health of your digestive system.
• Bit fruit
Beetroot is very good for digestive problems such as constipation and other stomach disorders. Beets that are rich in fiber, potassium, and magnesium will help you cleanse the digestive system contaminated by unhealthy foods.
• Avocados
This one fruit is one of the most fiber-rich fruits provided by nature. This fruit is very easy to digest and contains a lot of monounsaturated fats which help in maintaining the health of the digestive tract.
Well, if that’s good food consumed to maintain the health and function of the digestive system ladies. If you have a problem with your digestive system, eat these foods immediately so that your digestive system is healthy and functioning properly again.
• Apple
Apples are fruits that are rich in your digestive benefits. Apples are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, minerals, potassium, and phosphorus. Reported from page, all vitamins and minerals contained in apples are very useful for dealing with your digestive problems such as reducing constipation problems and increasing satiety. In addition, the content of pectin in apples can also help increase the number of good bacteria in the intestine that can help the intestines function more optimally.
• Banana
This yellow fruit is the perfect solution to improve intestinal function. Banana is a fruit that you must consume if you are diarrhea because bananas will help you restore the number of electrolytes and potassium that is lost because it is released continuously during diarrhea. In addition, bananas are also rich in fiber which is good for digestion.
• Sweet potato
Sweet potatoes, especially if consumed with their skin, are extraordinary foods for digestive health. Sweet potatoes contain fiber, complex carbohydrates, and manganese. Sweet potatoes help treat stomach ulcers and other digestive system problems.